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Benefits of Juice and Pulp

There are three main reasons why you'll want to consider incorporating vegetable juice in your optimal health program:

Vegetable juices help absorb the nutrients easier. This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of ingesting junk food for many years. Juices help "pre-digest" for you, then you will get most of the nutrients.
Juices allow you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. Some people may find that eating plenty of vegetables is difficult, but can be easily achieved with a large vegetable juice.
You can add a greater variety of vegetables in your diet. Many people eat the same vegetable salads every day. This violates the principle of regular rotation of food and increases the likelihood of developing an allergy to a certain food. But with juice you achieve many benefits and will bring more variety to your diet.
Many of our multivitamin and detox juices contain a slight amount of pulp, this is to increase the levels of fiber and to provide “extra” in your diet. Adequate levels of fiber are great for your health, unfortunately many juices these days do not contain pulp which causes many digestive disorders.
All About 
Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber refers to the part of cell walls in fruits, vegetables,
and grains that cannot be completely digested.
Dietary fiber does not contain energy or calories,
however it helps clean as it goes through the digestive system.
Vegetable juice is not a full meal

It is important to note that the juices of fruits and vegetables by themselves have very little protein and almost no fat, so by itself, is not a complete food. Drink fruit juices and vegetables as a supplement to their regular meals not instead of it.
So, unless you are undergoing a program of special fasting or detoxification, that’s when juices can be used as a meal replacement. The ideal is to drink juice with your meal or as a snack between meals.
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