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Some FAQ’S
What is a cold pressed juice?
It is a juice extraction process using a hydraulic press, the juice of fruits and vegetables are taken straight from the pulp. A common juice extractor degrades the vitamins and minerals of the products very much due the heat produced during the juice extraction.
Would you put sugar in your juice products?
Our products do not contain added sugar. Some of our products as per example almond milk may contain sweetness due the agave and maple syrup.
How long do your juices last?
In order to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients, our juices should be consumed within 3-5 days of being purchased.
An expiration date is stamped on every bottle we produce.

Are your products vegan?
All cold-pressed juices and handmade juices are made with fruits, vegetables and contain no animal products. We offer vegan product, raw, and plant-based 100% organic.
Some other products contain other ingredients such as honey, salt, etc. Please ask about these products.
What is your product line, all shops sell the same?
Our product line includes cold-pressed juices, freshly squeezed juice, almond milk, and elixirs alkaline water. In other countries, other kinds of juices are produced from local produce. We will introduce a seasonal menu and some other products as very light meals.
What is Alkaline Water?
Is water that has been ionized through a filtration system, bringing its neutral pH level more alkaline.
Drinking alkaline water helps to neutralize the acidity in our body, which may come to consume acidic foods such as meat, dairy products, processed foods and beverages such as sodas and coffee
Can I drink the juice if I am pregnant?
Because our juices are raw and unpasteurized, you should consult with your doctor before using. It is not recommended during pregnancy.
I am diabetic. Can I drink your juice?
People with diabetes should use caution when drinking juices. Some juices contain high natural sugars and these sugars can cause glucose levels in the blood to rise.

If you are unsure about whether you can ingest our products, talk to your doctor first.



EARTH Handcrafted Cold-Pressed Juices is not an organization of medical doctors, experts, or certified nutritionists and our staff cannot give you medical advice, a diagnosis, or a "diet" plan. Nothing in this website content should be taken as medical advice or diagnosis. If you need medical advice, please seek out a professional medical doctor. We recommend that you contact a medical doctor before you begin any change in your diet or any sort of weight loss plan.


We warn against the use of cleanses, elixirs, juices, milks or any other of our products by minors, pregnant women, and any individuals with preexisting health issues, including those taking prescription medications. If you have any questions about whether a juice cleanse is right for you, you are specifically warned to seek advice from a professional medical doctor.


CLEANSE PROGRAM, it’s not recommended for everybody. Before to try it, please consult your doctor

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